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New Site Application and Listing Submission 

  • For new organizations/programs looking to partner with the Field Study Program 
  • For student-recommended sites, looking to submit a one-time approval 
  • For returning sites, looking to update their entire listing

Field Study Student Evaluation Form 

  • Next evaluation - Summer '24 SSI - available week of July 14.
    • Due Friday, August 2 
  • Supervisors are requested to provide the following for each student they are hosting quarterly:   
    • student performance review 
    • final tally of the hours completed 
    • proof of completion (time sheet or log)
    • employment information (options) 
    • student nomination for Excellence in Field Study Award (optional)

Listing Update Request Form

  • Use this form to submit changes to your listing. 
    • Types of changes you can submit through this form: 
      • site availability,
        • report full capacity for individual quarters 
      • main contact changes 
      • organization description 
      • placement description 
      • requirements 
      • how to apply 
  • For more than 2 changes, please email those directly to our office via

Site Agreement (LINK)

  • PDF Format (.pdf)
  • 5 year agreement required from all partners 

Student Hours

  • You and the student can determine the best way to keep track of their hours.
    • We have a sample form you can use here: Time Log
    • Some sites use Excel sheets or Google Sheets to keep track of hours

Field Study Calendar