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Summer Sacramento Internship Program

Option: Summer Sacramento Internship Program

The Sacramento Internship Program at the University of California, Irvine is a program that gives outstanding UCI students an opportunity to intern in the California state capital. The Program provides career-related internship opportunities in public service, nonprofits, special interest groups, and various other organizations and institutions.

UCCS Website


  • SocEcol 195
  • 4 units (200 hours) or 8 units (320 hours)
  • P/NP only
  • Must enroll in SocEcol 195 through summer session
  • Students enroll in SocEcol 195 and work remotely with their faculty sponsor through email, EEE, Google groups, Skype and similar means to complete their academic requirements
  • Student must fill out a course enrollment form by the deadline for the quarter in which they are going participate in the UCDC program. They will be asked to update their form once they have their actual placement in DC. 
  • Acceptance to the Sacranento program, but not the specific internship, is acceptable

How this option applies to degree requirements:

  • 4 units fulfills school field study requirement

    8 units fulfills....