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Field Study Catalog


General Information


  • Completion of 80 hours of fieldwork, IN CONJUNCTION with the Field Study courses SocEcol 195 or SocEcol 195W, fulfills the School of Social Ecology degree requirement for Field Study. 
  • All placement sites found in the catalog below have been pre-approved for field study
  • Social Ecology students may elect to do Field Study in any area, regardless of their specific major 
    • For Environmental Science and Policy Majors ONLY: Field Study Placements must be in one of the following areas:
      •  Environmental Science 
      •  Planning 
      •  Public Policy        

Catalog Overview: 

Traditional Field Study Placements:

  • Placements are organized within the 10 categories listed below--several placements appear in multiple categories
  • Traditional placements consist of non-profit, for-profit, and public organizations, along with on-campus departments and programs.
  • Only placements listed within this catalog OR pre-approved by our office can be used as a Field Study site. 
  • The catalog is available year-round and is updated ongoingly 

School of Social Ecology-Based Placements

  • Research Assistantships
    • Research Assistant positions with faculty within the School of Social Ecology**
  • Learning Assistantships 
    • Learning Assistant positions for courses within the School of Social Ecology**

**Research and Learning Assistantships OUTSIDE of the School of Social Ecology are eligible to be used as field study placements but they must be reviewed and approved by the Field Study Director through the Research and Learning  Assistant Clearance Request Form HERE. 

**IMPORTANT: Please carefully read about the unit and enrollment requirements for Research/ Learning Assistantship positions HERE before applying.

Summer '24 Field Study - Short List of Available Placements 

 Please use the link provided in each category name to review the entire listing for the sites you are  interested in. 

 Traditional Field Study Site Categories

Use the reference guide to browse through the catalog.

The full listings can be found under each of the categories listed below 

All catalog listings have been updated with their respective 2023- 2024 availability.  No separate catalogs will be created. 

Updates to the traditional placement's  2024-2025  availability are currently in progress, to be finalized end of May 2024 (tentatively)

Child & Family Services




College Student Services

Education (K-12)



Environmental, Planning, & Policy

General Community Outreach/Services



Healthcare Services

Human Resources & I/O Psychology



Law Enforcement

Legal Services

 Summer '24 Catalog

School of Social Ecology-Based Placements Catalog

 Research and Learning Assistant Positions


******Research and Learning Assistantships OUTSIDE of the School of Social Ecology must be reviewed and approved by the Field Study Director before they can be submitted as a field placement. Submit a Research Assistant Clearance Request Form HERE. 

Want to recommend your own organization/program to become an approved Field Study placement? 

Provide the following link to a representative of the organization/program you are recommending so they can learn about the step by step to becoming a Field Study Partner: 

Thins to keep in mind when recommending: 

  • All new partners must complete a: 
    • New Site: 
      • Application - must be completed by a representative of the organization/program
      • Meeting (on Zoom)
      • Agreement
  • New sites referred by students must submit an application by the following deadlines: 
    • Term

      New Site Application Deadline

      (for Student Referred Sites ONLY)

      Summer 2024 SSI       Friday, May 31
      Summer 2024 SSII       Friday, July 12
      Fall 2024      Friday, August 16
      Winter 2025      Friday, November 1
      Spring 2025       Friday, February 7


Are you a site supervisor and would like to update your listing?